Best Massage Oil For Stress

 The advantages of geranium essential oil

Geranium essential oil has a lot of research behind it for some illnesses and it's best massage oil for stress, but not so much for others. Always consult a doctor before using geranium essential oil, and never use it in place of a prescription drug or treatment.

The following conditions may benefit from geranium oil:

Acne, dermatitis, and inflammatory skin diseases are some of the most common skin problems.

When applied topically, geranium essential oil's antibacterial, antimicrobial, and antiseptic characteristics make it effective for decreasing acne outbreaks, skin irritation, and skin infections, according to a 2017 review in Source.

The anti-inflammatory qualities of geranium essential oil make it useful for a variety of inflammatory diseases, including skin inflammation.

The anti-inflammatory properties of geranium essential oil may make it effective for leg and foot swelling caused by edema, according to an animal source.
Adding geranium essential oil to bath water, according to anecdotal evidence, may be a useful method to cure this problem. More research into the benefits of geranium essential oil on edema is needed.

Vestibulitis of the nose

Nasal vestibulitis is a bothersome illness linked to cancer medication therapy.
Geranium essential oil may help with nasal symptoms like bleeding, scabbing, soreness, dryness, and ulcers, according to a short observational research and anecdotal evidence.
Geranium essential oil was combined with sesame oil and utilized as a nasal spray in women undergoing breast cancer chemotherapy for the study.


Geranium essential oil has been linked to the prevention of bacterial infections in several studies. Geranium essential oil is antimicrobial and antibacterial, making it useful against a wide range of microorganisms.
Geranium essential oil was found to be about as effective as amoxicillin in battling bacterial strains like Staphylococcus aureus, according to one source. A different bacterial strain, Listeria monocytogenes, was found to be ineffective in the same investigation.
Neuro degenerative disease

Neuroinflammation is linked to a variety of neurodegenerative disorders, including Alzheimer's disease, multiple sclerosis, Parkinson's disease, and amyotrophic lateral sclerosis (ALS).
Citronellol, a component of geranium essential oil, was discovered to limit nitric oxide production, lowering inflammation and cell death in the brain, according to a study.
Geranium essential oil, according to researchers, may provide benefits for persons with neurodegenerative disorders that include neuroinflammation.

Menopause and perimenopause are two stages of menopause.

Aromatherapy with geranium essential oil was proven to be effective in boosting salivary estrogen secretion, according to a source.
Researchers hypothesized that geranium essential oil could be beneficial to women going through menopause and perimenopause, who are suffering lower estrogen levels and health-related problems.

Anxiety, stress, and depression are all symptoms of depression.

Aromatherapy is becoming increasingly popular, especially in medical settings. Inhaled geranium essential oil had a relaxing impact and was able to lessen the anxiety associated with first-stage labor, according to a randomized, clinical Source of women in labor for the first time.

Anecdotal data suggests that geranium essential oil can help people relax and feel better. The relaxing, antidepressive effects of the Reunion geranium (Pelargonium roseum willd) essential oil strain were studied in rats, and it was proven to be helpful for lowering stress.
Shingles cause discomfort.

Postherpetic neuralgia, a painful disorder affecting the nerve fibers and skin that run along a nerve, is a common side effect of shingles.

According to one study, using geranium oil to the skin reduced postherpetic neuralgia pain within minutes of application. These benefits were only transitory, and they had to be reapplied as needed.

The citronellol concentration of geranium essential oil, according to one preliminary source, makes it possibly useful for lowering allergic symptoms. However, more research is required.

Topical usage may alleviate irritation caused by allergic reactions, according to anecdotal data. This is due to the essential oil's anti-inflammatory properties.

Wound treatment
According to anecdotal evidence, geranium essential oil can help stop minor cuts from bleeding. It may do so by forcing blood vessels to constrict and speeding up coagulation this is hands down one of the best top 10 destressing massage oils. Its antibacterial and antiseptic characteristics aid in the healing process.


In Tunisia, geranium essential oil has long been used as a folk medicine to cure hyperglycemia.

In rats, daily oral treatment considerably lowered glucose levels, according to an animal source. Researchers stated that geranium essential oil could help persons with diabetes manage their blood sugar levels, but that more research is needed.

Geranium essential oil should not be consumed by humans. Although more research in people is needed, aromatherapy in a diffuser or applied topically could have the same effect.


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